Why Study Spanish?
“Between 2010 and 2015, the share of jobs seeking Spanish speakers increased by 13 percent. Big corporations are realizing the importance of reaching a market that represents approximately 1.5 trillion annually.”
– “Lead with Spanish”
“Knowing Spanish or another foreign language is valuable and can help you earn higher wages. The Economist confirmed this in their study on the bonuses of learning a second language.”
– “40 Reasons Why Learning Spanish Could Change Your Life”
“By 2050, the U.S. will be the largest Spanish speaking country, according to the Association of Spanish Language Academies.”
– “15 Reasons Every American Should Learn Spanish”
“The development of big startups is growing in Latin America: Clip, Pig.gi, CityWallet or WishBird. Big companies like Fortune 500 Startups continue to invest in the region.”
– “17 Reasons Why Studying Spanish is a Smart Decision”
Full-Time Faculty
Fátima Cornwall
Clinical Assistant Professor of Spanish, Spanish Language Coordinator
L-140D -
Arantza Ugalde
Lecturer of Spanish, Spanish Minor Adviser
Learn how Gabby Bates has created her degree plan to double major in Spanish and Accounting and even study abroad!
Spanish Programatic Offerings
Spanish Major Program Learning Outcomes
Interpersonal Communication
Negotiate meaning to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions as well as to defend an idea in written, oral and/or multimodal communication in Spanish
Interpretive Listening
Analyze, assess, and evaluate what is being heard on a variety of topics authentic to Hispanic culture(s) in Spanish.
Interpretive Reading
Understand, interpret and analyze a variety of texts in Spanish authentic to Hispanic culture(s).
Presentational Communication
Present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, narrate and/or defend a variety of topics in Spanish through written, oral and/or multimodal communication in Spanish.
Intercultural Awareness
Identify, investigate and explain products and practices in Spanish and Hispanic cultures to compare/contrast, evaluate, and reflect on cultural perspectives associated with the primary language (L1) and the Spanish language (L2).
Critical Analysis
Engage in effective critical inquiry by identifying and interpreting a diverse body of culturally specific works and scholarly sources, and producing clear, argumentative discourse in Spanish that formulates original perspectives and positions.
Advising Information
Course Sequence and Advising Sheets may be downloaded by both students and Spanish advisors for using in course planning and graduation requirements.
Bilingual Broncos
The Arboleda literary magazine is open to Boise State students and alumni who would like to publish original literary works (poems/short stories/translations) in Spanish, and graphic arts projects related to Hispanic culture.
ARBOLEDA is born in Boise, a city famous for its parks and groves and the presence of richly diverse Hispanic cultures, with the intention of making Spanish visible as an artistic language and reclaim its presence in the community. Students and alumni of Boise State University took part in the publication under the guidance of a professor of the Department of World Languages. This first edition includes poems and original stories, written by students and alumni of the university, translations of literary texts, and lastly, it serves as a showcase for elaborate creative works of Spanish classes and culture offered by the Department of World Languages at Boise State University.
If you are interested in contributing to the magazine’s next edition, please contact: arboledaboise@gmail.com.
Spanish Club
The Boise State Spanish Club is open to anyone who desires to practice the Spanish language in order to communicate in academic, social or professional disciplines.
The club seeks to develop multicultural friendship ties with the Spanish speaking world through various seminars, workshops, social activities, conversation groups, movie-forums and artistic activities with students and staff of Boise State University, visitors to the campus and invited guests.
News & Updates
Experience Hispanic Culture & Language Abroad
The Department of World Languages encourages students who wish to acquire proficiency at a “professional” level to spend time in a region whose language they are studying. Programs available through the Office of Global Learning Opportunities give students a chance to master a language and learn more about culture and customs, often while studying at foreign universities and living with local families.