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Online Bachelor in Project Management Classes and Scheduling

The online project management degree is offered online only, with no in-person courses or requirements. Classes run for seven weeks and you can complete the degree asynchronously — no live class sessions are required.

Online Bachelor in Project Management Degree Plan

The online Bachelor in Project Management is a 120-credit program that includes the following:

  • University Foundation Courses – 37 credits. The University Foundations general education courses are required for all bachelor degrees at Boise State. These may be met through transfer coursework or will be incorporated into your program of study.
  • Required Courses – 24 credits.
  • Upper-division Electives or an Emphasis Area – 16 credits. Emphasis area options include: Business ManagementCommunications ManagementCyber Security and Public Health.
  • Electives – 43 credits.

Review the following table for details on required courses.

Course TitleCredits
Take at least one of the following:
PROJMGT 300 Project Management Fundamentals
SCM 435 Project Management
IPS 440 Project Management and Design
COID 264 Project Management I: Start, Plan, Run
PROJMGT 301 Project Management Documentation3
Take at least one of the following:
PROJMGT 350 Project Management Specialization
PRO 401 Project Management
PROJMGT 493 Internship12
PROJMGT 499 Project Management Capstone (FF)3

Course Description

Official course descriptions and degree plans are published on the undergraduate catalog website.

To find a course, click the “Courses” tab and select the drop-down list that aligns with your desired course prefix (e.g. PROJMGT300). You may also use the search bar to search for the course prefix.

University Foundations Courses

These University Foundations courses may be met through transfer coursework, or they may be incorporated into your program of study at Boise State. They are required in order to earn your bachelor’s degree.

Course Number Title Credits
ENGL 101 Writing and Rhetoric I 3
ENGL 102 Writing and Rhetoric II 3
UF 100 Foundations of Intellectual Life 3
UF 200 Foundations of Ethics and Diversity 3
FC* Foundations of Oral Communication 3
FM* Mathematics course 3-4
FN* Natural, Physical and Applied Sciences course with lab 4
FN* Natural, Physical and Applied Sciences course in a second field 3-4
FA* Arts course 3
FH* Humanities course 3-4
FS* Social Sciences course 3
FS* Social Sciences course in a second field 3

*Foundation Discipline (FD) courses are part of the Boise State University Foundations program. For more details and a list of available courses, see Online University Foundations Courses.


Course Availability by Semester

The following table is a general guide of when courses will be offered. You should work with your advisor to plan your individual academic path based on the following schedule and your full or part-time status. This course carousel is also available as a google sheet for your convenience.

Course Semester/Session Offered
PROJMGT 300 Project Management Fundamentals Fall 1st 7 week session
Spring 1st 7 week session
PROJMGT 301 Project Management Documentation Fall 2nd 7 week session
Spring 2nd 7 week session
PROJMGT 350 Project Management Specialization Fall 2nd 7 week session
Spring 2nd 7 week session
PROJMGT 499 Project Management Capstone Summer 1st 7 week session
PROJMGT 451 Project Management Practicum Experiential learning courses are offered every semester. Contact Todd Norton for support:
PROJMGT 485 Project Management Prior Learning Experiential learning courses are offered every semester. Contact Todd Norton for support:
PROJMGT 493 Internship Experiential learning courses are offered every semester. Contact Todd Norton for support:


Boise State maintains authorization to offer online programs in Idaho and beyond. Detailed information about state authorization is available on the eCampus Center website.

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