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Scholarship FAQs and Policies

Frequently Asked Questions


What happens if I miss the filing date of February 15 for resident scholarships?

Boise State gives priority to students that meet the February 15 deadline and all criteria, and awards scholarships on a space-available basis. Idaho students admitted after February 15 will not have priority consideration for resident scholarships. Scholarship recipients are notified through BroncoMail and their letter of admission. The award can be reviewed three weeks later in the Student Center.
Students are considered for the Presidential, Dean’s, or True Blue Promise Scholarships at the time they apply for admissions, there is no separate application. As the Presidential, Dean’s, and True Blue Promise scholarships are awarded based on the admissions materials, once a student begins enrollment at Boise State, they are no longer considered for these awards if they did not receive them during their first semester.


What type of awards are available to nonresident students?

Boise State offers merit-based and need-based scholarships to our new incoming degree-seeking students. Please visit our Scholarship Dates and Deadlines page to learn more about our non-resident awards.

What happens if I miss the filing date of December 15 for new or incoming transfer student nonresident scholarships?

Boise State gives priority to students that meet the deadline and all criteria, and awards scholarships on a space-available basis. Students admitted after December 15 will not be considered for nonresident scholarships. Scholarship recipients are notified through BroncoMail and the award can be viewed in the Student Center. Fall admits that meet the December 15 deadline and all criteria are notified by mid-January.

Students are considered for nonresident scholarships at the time they apply for admissions – there is no separate application. As nonresident scholarships are awarded based on the admissions materials, applicants are not again considered for nonresident scholarships once enrolled at Boise State.

Incoming Students

I am an incoming student and need to defer my attendance. What will happen to my scholarship(s)?

Due to limited funding, scholarships are non-deferrable. Any scholarships you were awarded will be canceled upon the submission and review of the Boise State deferment form. You will then be re-evaluated for scholarships based on your new semester’s scholarship criteria, and the academic information we have on file for you by the scholarship deadline. Please note: scholarship criteria is updated for the upcoming academic year each summer.

Current and Continuing Students

I am a current student and need to defer my attendance. What will happen to my scholarship(s)?

Boise State University will defer a current student’s scholarship(s) if a student’s attendance at Boise State is interrupted for medical reasons, military deployment, church service, or other selected reasons, provided that a student meets certain criteria. For a student’s scholarship(s) to be deferred, the student must attend at least one full-time semester prior to their departure and meet the minimum criteria for renewal of their scholarship(s) during the semester(s) they attend prior to leaving. Enrollment at another college or university during the deferment period will result in an automatic cancellation of the scholarship.
To request a deferral, a student should submit an email to, prior to leaving Boise State. Our general policy is that scholarships can be held for up to two academic years and approval is dependent on the availability of remaining scholarship funds.

International Students

Are international students eligible for scholarships?

Yes! Please review the admission requirements for international students here. The priority deadline for Nonresident Scholarship Programs is December 15. However, deadlines for academic scholarships vary. Review the individual scholarships for more information.
For more information, new international students should contact International Admissions at (208) 426-1757 or Continuing international students should go to the International Programs web page.

Graduate Students

I am an incoming graduate student and need to defer my attendance. What will happen to my Merit-based Gem, Dean’s Gem, and Western Regional Graduate Program Scholarship(s)?

The Merit-Based Gem, Dean’s Gem, and Western Regional Graduate Program scholarships cannot be deferred. Students who defer (delay) enrollment, are no longer eligible for the scholarship awarded.
Sixty days before a student’s new enrollment term begins, they can be considered for a Dean’s Gem. Students need to work directly with their Program Coordinator to secure a Dean’s Gem recommendation. The Graduate College will not issue a scholarship to students without the proper recommendation from their program.

What is the credit requirement for graduate student scholarships?

Graduate students must be enrolled in at least nine graduate-level credits each semester. Undergraduate credits can be included if the course fulfills the graduate degree requirements. Such undergraduate courses are indicated with a “G” designation. Please note: repeated courses will not count toward meeting minimum credit requirements.
Renewal requirements for graduate students include maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA and the successful completion of 18 credits per academic year. Departments may also require recipients to remain in a specified major.

GED and Homeschool Students

I’ve earned a GED. How can I be considered for scholarships?

Unweighted high school GPA is used for all incoming applicants from regionally accredited high schools for both Boise State admission and scholarship awards. Homeschool students and students that completed their GED are considered based on their scores and an additional application may be required. All required admission and scholarship materials for new students must be received by Boise State Admissions by the indicated Application and Scholarship Deadlines. Scholarship award notifications will arrive within three weeks of a student’s admission to Boise State.

I’m a homeschool student. How can I be considered for scholarships?

Homeschool students and students that completed their GED are considered based on their scores and an additional application may be required. All required admission and scholarship materials for new students must be received by Boise State Admissions by the indicated Application and Scholarship Deadlines. Scholarship award notifications will arrive within three weeks of a student’s admission to Boise State.

Non-Degree Seeking Students

Non-degree seeking students are not considered for scholarships at Boise State. If a student switches from non-degree to degree-seeking after the scholarship deadline, they should contact the Scholarships Office to evaluate their situation.

Study Abroad

Does Boise State offer scholarships for study abroad programs?

Yes! Applications and information about study abroad scholarships are available here. Global Learning Opportunities staff are happy to consult with students about their applications for study abroad scholarships. Please contact Global Learning Opportunities for more information at (208) 426-2630.

Will I still receive my current scholarship if I decide to study abroad?

If a student going on education abroad currently receives a scholarship from Boise State, the Scholarship Committee at Boise State will evaluate if the scholarship can be used towards their education abroad or if a deferment is required while they are away from Boise State campus.

Nonresident Scholarships such as the Gem, WUE, Treasure, Foothills, Ridgeline, and Summit Scholarships can only be applied towards the nonresident fees at Boise State – these are not cash awards. Boise State will automatically defer a nonresident scholarship for a student studying abroad. Students are required to maintain their cumulative GPA and eligible major while they are abroad.

How to Apply

How do I apply for Boise State scholarships?

Incoming students are considered for the Presidential, Dean’s, or True Blue Promise Scholarships at the time they apply for admissions, there is no separate application. As the Presidential, Dean’s, and True Blue Promise scholarships are awarded based on the admissions materials, once a student begins enrollment at Boise State, they are no longer considered for these awards if they did not receive them during their first semester.
Eligibility for academic scholarships is contingent upon your admission as a degree-seeking student to Boise State University. To be considered for academic scholarships, please complete the Boise State Scholarship Application. Some scholarships are need-based and will require you to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Recipients are notified through BroncoMail and all awards will be made by May 1.

The Boise State Scholarship Application opens mid-November and most scholarship opportunities close on February 15.

What other types of financial aid are available?

Please visit our Types of Aid page for other resources and options to finance your education.

Changes in Scholarships

How does a fee appeal or academic appeal impact my scholarship(s)?

If the student’s fees are refunded or waived through a fee appeal or academic appeal, the scholarship(s) will be canceled and the student will not be allowed a refund from the scholarship funds. If this results in a balance owing to Boise State, the student is required to pay that balance back to the University.

I was awarded a scholarship upon being accepted to Boise State and increased my GPA while attending. Can my scholarship be changed?

Scholarship decisions are made based on the data available by the deadline. Unfortunately, a scholarship cannot be changed or upgraded based on your academic performance at Boise State.

My residency status has changed. Will my scholarship be impacted?

Guaranteed (admission) scholarship decisions are made based on the data available by the scholarship deadline. Should a student’s residency change after the scholarship has disbursed, the award will not be replaced with a resident award. We will automatically review residency changes and consider students for resident awards IF the residency changes prior to the scholarship disbursement.

Scholarship Deadlines

What if I miss the Boise State scholarship application deadline?

Most scholarships through the Boise State Scholarship Application close on February 15. However, there are some opportunities that have different deadlines. This application is only used for academic scholarship selections. If you miss the deadline, you will not be eligible for these scholarships.
For additional scholarship opportunities, we encourage you to review the Private Scholarships page.

What is the deadline for accepting my scholarship offer?

All automatic scholarship offers must be accepted by May 1. If an offer is not accepted by this deadline, the award will be canceled. To accept the award, log into myBoiseState, then select the Financial Aid tile, the appropriate Aid Year, scroll to the bottom and click “Accept/Decline Awards.” Follow the instructions listed.
Academic Scholarships offered via the Boise State Scholarship Application must be accepted within 30 days of the offer; if not accepted within 30 days, the offer may be reassigned to another student.

Receiving Scholarships

I have a high GPA and I’m involved in many activities, but I wasn’t awarded a scholarship. Why?

Boise State has more qualified individuals than scholarship awards, so the selection is a competitive process. Our Boise State Scholarship Committee uses a combination of GPA, test scores (ACT/SAT) (if applicable), the results of your FAFSA (if applicable) and other admission information to award scholarships.

Is unweighted or weighted cumulative GPA used for scholarship consideration?

Scholarship decisions are based on unweighted cumulative GPA.

Do I have to apply for scholarships every school year?

Many scholarships have a one-year term and students need to re-apply to be considered for the scholarship again. Students are encouraged to complete the Boise State Scholarship Application every year to learn about the different scholarship options available.
For departmental scholarships, please be sure to declare your major with the Registrar’s Office. The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office uses this information to provide academic departments with a list of eligible students.

Is my scholarship renewable?

Renewal status varies with each scholarship and this information can be found in your scholarship award letter and/or your Student Center by clicking on the name of the scholarship.

Why isn’t my scholarship disbursing?

The earliest date that your financial aid is released is ten days prior to the start of the semester. Review our Dates and Deadlines page to determine when you should start receiving financial aid.
Disbursement occurs two to three times per week for eligible students throughout the semester.
There are several reasons your aid may be delayed. You can view your disbursement status here.

I can’t accept my scholarship in my Student Center.

Departmental awards are awarded via the Boise State Scholarship Application. You must first accept your award(s) there and then complete the thank you letter (if applicable). Donor Relations will approve the thank you letter (generally within two business days) and then the award status will change to “accepted” in your Student Center. For awards that do not require a thank you letter, the award status will update overnight once the student accepts the award.

Outside Scholarships

Where should my scholarship check be sent?

All educational-related funding is required to be sent to the financial aid office for processing.
Mail the check to the following address:
Boise State University
Attn: Scholarships Department
1910 University Drive
Boise, ID 83725-1315

Please note: Make checks payable to (if the check is not made payable to one of the two names we will not be able to process the award):
“Boise State” or “Boise State University”
Please include a copy of the award letter outlining the scholarship enrollment requirements and the term for which the scholarship is intended for. Make sure the student ID number is on the check and/or the letter.
If the check amount is greater than $1,000.00 our office will automatically split the funds between the fall and spring semesters unless otherwise specified in the award letter.

How long does it take to process my scholarship check once I deliver it to the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office?

While our goal is to process checks within 24 hours of receipt, it can take up to two weeks during high-volume periods. Once we have posted the check to your financial aid package we will send an email to your Bronco Mail.

My donor requires I send an invoice of my tuition and fees. How do I get a copy?

Students can get a copy of their account invoice by following the directions listed on the View Term Summary Report website.

My donor requires an enrollment verification letter. How do I get a copy?

Students can request an enrollment verification letter by following the steps listed on the Enrollment Verification request webpage.

My donor requires a verification of aid or student needs analysis to be filled out. How can I get this completed?

Students can get a copy of their account invoice by following the directions listed on the View Term Summary Report webpage.

I have earned the Segal Award through AmeriCorps. How do I use this award toward tuition and fees?

First, you have to submit an Educational Expense form. Please contact the AmeriCorps National Service Hotline at 1-800-942-2677 or online at National Service Questions Hotline if you have questions on how to do this. We are only able to certify requests for one semester per request.

We will review your certification and approve the amount you are eligible for. AmeriCorps is required to split the amount into two equal payments, with the second payment arriving around the midpoint of the enrollment period. You are still responsible for meeting the fee payment deadline for the semester/term, which is typically the Saturday prior to the start of classes. If you are unable to pay the fees in full, you may want to enroll in a payment plan to avoid late fees.

I’ve been asked to provide a W-9. How do I go about this?

If you’ve received a scholarship from an outside entity, they may request a W-9. If one has been requested please click “Download W-9”, print the form, and bring it to the Financial Aid Office located in the Administration Building, Room 124 to obtain a signature.

Download W-9 (pdf)

The information collected in the W-9 is used to prepare 1099-MISC forms at the end of the year. The 1099-MISC form reports the total amount of payments you receive from a single person or entity during the year. Some scholarships, fellowship grants and other grants are taxable.
For more information please see the IRS topic on Scholarships, Fellowship Grants, and Other Grants or consult your tax advisor.

Scholarship Policies

Notes and Disclaimers

  • New students are students who enter Boise State after completing coursework at a regionally accredited high school, a GED or a homeschool program. Students with concurrent college credit during high school are considered new (first-year students) for scholarship consideration.
  • Transfer students are students who have earned 14 or more semester credits post-high school.
  • All Boise State scholarships require continuous enrollment at Boise State. The criteria for credit completion, GPA and award amounts of each scholarship are detailed in the scholarship award message listed on the award letter and Student Center.
  • Some scholarships for new students require enrollment at Boise State immediately following the completion of high school or its equivalent. Students who delay enrollment at Boise State for a semester or more will forfeit their award(s).
  • Unweighted high school GPA is used for all incoming applicants from regionally accredited high schools for both Boise State admission and scholarship awards. Students with a homeschool curriculum or GED will be reviewed holistically by the Scholarship Committee. All admissions materials (test scores, personal statement and reference letters) will be reviewed. All required admission and scholarship materials for new students must be received by Boise State Admissions by the indicated Application and Scholarship Priority Deadlines. Scholarship award notifications will arrive within three weeks of a student’s admission to Boise State University.
  • Transfer credits are evaluated based on a semester hour system. All quarter credits are converted to a semester equivalent during the evaluation process.
  • Transfer credits are evaluated based on the number of attempted and completed credits by the scholarship deadline, not the number of credits accepted by the university.
  • Criteria and award amounts for Boise State scholarships are subject to change each academic year.

Scholarship Eligibility and Renewal

Basic Scholarship Requirements

  • Most Boise State scholarships require undergraduate students to be enrolled in at least 12 credits (nine credits for graduate students) each term of the award.
  • Most Boise State scholarships have criteria you must meet in order to receive/maintain the scholarship. To find these criteria, navigate to the Accept/Decline Financial Aid page in your Student Center. The name of the scholarship is a link to an award message, which discusses the requirements. Should you fail to meet the criteria your scholarship may be canceled prior to disbursement.
  • Non-degree seeking students are not considered for scholarships at Boise State. If a student switches from non-degree to degree-seeking after the scholarship deadline, they should contact the Scholarships Office to evaluate their situation.

Renewable Scholarship Eligibility

Renewal status varies with each scholarship and this information can be found in your scholarship award letter and/or your Student Center by clicking on the name of the scholarship.
Students receiving renewable scholarships are evaluated at the end of each spring semester (summer courses and repeated credits are not evaluated as part of the credit completion and/or GPA requirements) to determine if they are eligible for continuation of the scholarship into the next academic year. Renewal criteria can be found in the Student Center under Accept/Decline Financial Aid. Students must meet the minimum requirements by the end of the spring semester.

Complete Withdraw Effect on Scholarships

If a student completely withdraws from Boise State prior to the tenth day of the semester, any Boise State scholarships will be canceled from the student’s account. If the student received a refund that included the scholarships, the student will be required to pay that back to Boise State.
If the student received a scholarship from an outside entity, we will notify the outside entity that the student has withdrawn from the university. If the outside entity would like to have their scholarship money back, they will need to work directly with the student in that process.
If a student completely withdraws from Boise State after the tenth day of the semester, the student can still receive their scholarship to help cover any of the charges incurred for their time here at Boise State.

Scholarship Award Splits Between Semesters

Scholarships are typically split evenly between fall and spring semesters. These splits are nonnegotiable; non-enrollment or enrollment in less than full time in either semester will result in the forfeiture of that portion of your award. The award messages attached to your scholarship will inform you of any additional or different requirements.

Student Athletes Receiving Scholarships

Student athletes offered a scholarship should discuss the award with their coach to determine whether or not they can accept the award. Per NCAA regulations, student athletes are limited in the amount of institutional aid they can receive. Institutional aid includes both athletic scholarships AND institutional academic scholarships.

Scholarship Payment Information

Institutional Funds Excess in Relation to Cost of Attendance

Boise State allows the student to receive institutional funds in conjunction with other outside funds up to the student’s Cost of Attendance (COA). All Boise State students are provided a COA – an average calculation of expenses for the student’s tuition and fees, books and supplies, food and housing, transportation and personal expenses for the period of enrollment.
Should a student exceed their COA, we will start by reducing student loans and may ultimately need to reduce or cancel institutional scholarships. At the time of an adjustment, students will be given an opportunity to request an increase to their COA by completing a budget increase form found on the Financial Aid website under Printable Forms.

WUE Calculation

The WUE scholarship discounts tuition so a nonresident student pays 150% of the resident tuition rate.
If you were admitted Spring 2022 or earlier, please see the graph here.

Spring 2022 or Earlier2022-23 Amount
Resident Tuition and Fees$8,364.00
Nonresident Tuition and Fees$25,702.00
150% Resident Tuition and Fees$12,546.00
WUE Scholarship Amount$13,156.00
Net Tuition and Fees Due$12,546.00

If you were admitted as of Fall 2022, please see the graph here.

As of Fall 20222022-23 Amount
Resident Tuition$5,532.00
Resident Fees$2,832.00
Nonresident Tuition and Fees$25,702.00
150% Resident Tuition$8,298.00
WUE Scholarship Amount$14,572.00
Net Tuition and Fees Due$11,130.00

Why are the calculations different?

The difference between the calculation is the removal of the mandatory fees from the calculation of 150% of resident tuition. All undergraduate students pay the same amount of mandatory fees regardless of their residency status; therefore, the calculation was updated to only include tuition.

Why do students have a different WUE amount based on their start term?

Boise State’s WUE scholarship is already highly competitive for a limited number of awards. If we were to move all students to the new calculation, the number of new scholarship offers would be significantly reduced.

Returned Payments

If a payment made to a student account is returned by the bank for any reason, the student is responsible for paying Boise State University the original amount of the returned payment plus a returned payment fee of $25.00. Multiple returned payments and/or failure to comply with the terms of any payment plan or agreement the student signs with Boise State University may result in the cancellation of the student’s ability to make online payments and suspension of eligibility to register for future classes at Boise State University.