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Victim of Identity Theft?

If you are a victim of identity theft and have been chosen for the financial aid verification process, report the identity theft to the IRS right away, if you have not already done so.

  • Respond immediately to any IRS notice: Call the number provided.
  • Visit for steps you should take right away to protect yourself and your financial accounts.

After you have reported your IRS tax-related identity theft, you must provide the following to our office:

  1. A copy of your signed income tax return and applicable schedules for the applicable tax year filed with the IRS, or an equivalent document provided by the IRS; and
  2. An IRS 4674C letter (a letter from the IRS acknowledging the identity theft) or a statement signed and dated by the tax filer indicating that he or she was a victim of IRS tax-related identity theft, and the IRS is aware of it.

Submitting Documents

  • In person to the Financial Aid Office in the Administration Building, Room 124 so we can do a quick review in case of omissions.
  • Scanned and sent via email attachment to Unclear photographs of documents are not accepted for quality reasons.
    • Note: If documents have social security numbers on them, we can only accept them through email as long as the beginning of the number is redacted and only the last 4 digits are still visible.
  • Mailed through USPS is the least desirable method due to delays and risk of lost documents.

Are there other steps I should take as a tax-related identity theft victim?

  • Follow Federal Trade Commission recommendations.
  • Check with your state tax agency to see if there are additional steps to take at the state level.
  • Make sure you use good security software and other best practices to help protect your personable identifiable information and stay safe when you “surf” or shop on the internet.
  • Be alert to phishing scams intended to steal your sensitive data.
  • Learn more at Taxes. Security. Together. – an awareness campaign supported by the IRS, state tax agencies and the tax industry.