Hire Students and Graduates as Employees or Interns
A majority of our students participate in paid internships at local companies. This experience allows students to “hit the ground running,” making them more valuable assets for prospective employers.
An internship experience offers students practical hands-on work experience, the opportunity to see first-hand whether a particular company/field is a good match, the chance to practice what they’ve learned in the classroom, first-hand knowledge of an organization, academic credit, financial security while taking classes, and an opportunity to network and make valuable connections for future jobs.
The department maintains a moderated mailing list of students that is closely monitored by the students. Depending on the quality and applicability of the opportunity, the department will forward internship/job opportunities from employers to students. Please send an e-mail to computerscience@fenxiong.net with the exact announcement you’d like forwarded.
The announcement should include information about your organization, the job title, pay scale (if paid), expectations of background that the students should have, contact information, and instructions on how to apply for the opportunity. These details may be provided in the email body and/or in an attachment. If the job is posted elsewhere (such as a careers page on your website), please provide this brief information and the link to learn more.
Peak hiring for summer internships or employment often begins in November of the year before and goes through the spring semester. However, many employers recruit interns all year around.
Want to discuss your internship program (starting or modifying one)? Contact computerscience@fenxiong.net to set up an appointment with our department chair who will help you succeed in your efforts.
Please note that students can get academic credit for internships but it isn’t required. If a student wants formal academic credit, they can follow the process in the link below.
Learn more about the internship process for students