Having graduated from our undergraduate program in 2014, I am passionate about helping students navigate their way through their chemistry degree with the goal of ensuring all students have the same great experience that I had. I have worked in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry for over 10 years starting as a student employee in the stockroom. Upon graduation I moved into a Lab Services Coordinator position, then the Laboratory Manager, and most recently took over as the Student Support Manager in 2020.
Getting to work with students and helping them to succeed at Boise State is why I love this job. With a student-focused mission, our department works hard to form a community around our chemistry majors. We do this through hands-on advising, saving seats in our chemistry courses for our majors, offering chemistry specific scholarships and fellowships, career relevant job opportunities, and at least one year of an immersive research experience in a faculty members laboratory. By the time you graduate from our program, all our staff and faculty will have personally come to know you, shared important educational experience with you, and be excited to celebrate your accomplishments. We are here for you, so please email any questions to me at kathleenhuguet@fenxiong.net. I look forward to working with you during your time at Boise State!
Chemistry Major, Minor, and Emphases
Chemistry Major
A chemistry major learns about matter, its properties, and energy transformations associated with matter. A degree in chemistry can contribute to a wide variety of careers in laboratories, medicine, agriculture, government service, and many more! Students declaring chemistry as their major embark on an exploration of the substances made from the atoms of the periodic table of the elements, and become well equipped to understand the science of the universe.
Chemistry Courses Required for Chemistry Majors
CHEM 111/L and CHEM 112/L General Chemistry I and II with Lab
CHEM 211 and 212 Analytical Chemistry and Lab
CHEM 307-310 Organic Chemistry I and II with Lab
CHEM 321, 322, 324 Physical Chemistry I, II and Lab
CHEM 323 Advanced Synthesis Lab
CHEM 431 Biochemistry I
CHEM 495 Undergraduate Chemistry Research
CHEM 498 Chemistry Seminar
For all required non chemistry courses or prerequisite courses, please view our advising packet.
ACS Professional Emphasis
The ACS Professional emphasis is the true chemistry degree path, and is certified by the American Chemistry Society because it covers all the five subdisciplines of chemistry more in depth then some of the other emphases. It is the most well-rounded chemistry experience out of all the emphases. This emphasis is most commonly selected by students who are interested in going on to further studies in chemistry or obtaining a job in chemistry or a related field.
Courses Specific to the ACS Professional Emphasis
CHEM 401 Advanced Inorganic
CHEM 411 Advanced Analytical
CHEM 412 Advanced Analytical Lab
CHEM 440/441 or 408 Spec ID or Synthetic Organic
ACS Biochemistry Emphasis
The ACS Biochemistry emphasis is degree pathway that is certified by the American Chemical Society because it covers all five subdisciplines in chemistry while putting a focus on biochemistry. This emphasis is most commonly selected by students who are interested in going on to further studies in biochemistry or a related field, or obtaining a job in biochemistry.
Courses Specific to the ACS Biochemistry Emphasis
CHEM 401 Advanced Inorganic
CHEM 411 Advanced Analytical
CHEM 432 Biochemistry Lab
CHEM 433 Biochemistry II
BIOL 310 Genetics
BIO 320 Cell Biology
Biochemistry Emphasis
The Biochemistry emphasis has students take all core chemistry courses while putting an additional focus on the subdiscipline of biochemistry. This emphasis allows for flexibly for students to take courses of interest or prerequisite courses for pre-health or other future programs. For most pre-health students, this emphasis will cover a large number of courses that are prerequisites for programs or needed for program entrance exams. This emphasis is most commonly selected by students who are on a pre-health or medical studies degree path or looking to get a job in a health or biochemistry related field.
Courses Specific to the Biochemistry Emphasis
CHEM 432 Biochemistry Lab
CHEM 433 Biochemistry II
CHEM 440/441 or CHEM 408 Spec ID or Synthetic Organic
BIOL 310 Genetics
BIOL 320 Cell Biology
Forensics Emphasis
The Forensics emphasis is a degree pathway that pairs the knowledge and laboratory skills gained from chemistry courses with criminal justice and forensic related courses. This emphasis gives students the knowledge to understand the science behind forensics and the laboratory and instrumentation experiences, as well as knowledge of the criminal justice system and procedures related to it. This emphasis is most commonly selected by students who are looking to pursue a career in forensics or a related field.
Courses Specific to the Forensics Emphasis
CHEM 432 Biochemistry Lab
CHEM 433 Biochemistry II
CHEM 440/441 Spec ID
BIOL 310 Genetics
BIOL 320 Cell Biology
CJ 101 Intro to Law and Justice
CJ 375 Law of Criminal Evidence
BIOL 447 Forensic Biology
Secondary Education Emphasis
The Secondary Education emphasis allows for students to receive a degree in chemistry while also leaving with a secondary education teaching certificate. This emphasis, part of the IDoTeach program at Boise State, will be moved into the Curriculum, Instruction, and Foundational Studies (CIFS) department in the College of Education, effective July 1, 2023. You can find more information on the Secondary Education program on the CIFS site.
With this emphasis, students are still qualified to go on to graduate school in chemistry or obtain a job in the field, but they also have the added flexibility of having a secondary education teaching certificate to be able to teach high school. This emphasis is most commonly selected by students who have an interest in being a teacher.
Courses Specific to the Secondary Education Emphasis
Students declaring chemistry as a minor often use their chemistry knowledge to augment their understanding of another field of science, such as physics, biology, pre-med, geosciences, and so on. As a central science, an understanding of chemistry principles leads to a deeper understanding of how the world around us functions.